Re: console jon

Date: Mon Mar 14 2005 - 23:49:28 EST

Bob Nichols <> wrote:

: Hey Jon....

: thanks for the reply....I was thinking about some of that aluminim that
: has the end mill swirls on it....

   That could work. :-) "Brushed aluminum" I think they call it?
Or I think I have also seen it referred to as "turned" or "machine turned"?
IIRC, they do that by using a wire wheel chucked in a drill, although
I've never done it myself so I can't confirm that.

  You might even be able to do a brushed aluminum finish and then use
a translucent powder or candy paint over it to give it the red look
of the rest of your truck, but still have the machined surface show
through. ?

: Lexan may work too...

: Thanks for the ideas!

   Glad to be of assistance! If I'm good at anything, its spending other
people's money! ;-) I've had lots of practice on Jason. Unfortunately,
he is at least my equal - case in point being the BBQ which is entirely
his "fault". ;-)

: btw....all of my messages bounce and i have to copy / paste to a
: new....i'm i doing something wrong?

   I checked it out and it looks like when you hit "reply", your e-mail
software (netscape I believe?) is sending them as a multi-part MIME
message instead of just plain text. There is probably some sort of
setting in there to cause replies as well as new messages to be plain
text, but not knowing anything about netscape mail, unfortunately I'm
not sure where it might be. (Any other DMLers know the answer to that one?)


.-- Jon Steiger ---- or --. | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota | | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD | `------------------------------------ --'

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