I have purchased things from 1A-Auto on a couple of occasions and have been
happy with the experience.
Dave Clement
99 SLT+ CC 4x4
In article <20050427232803.57750.qmail@web41010.mail.yahoo.com>,
dkramarsky68@yahoo.com (Dan Kramarsky) writes:
> Is it true that '91 thru '96 had same headlight?
> I found a headlight at 1A-Auto. Has anyone delt with them?
> -dan
> Dan K.
> '92 Grey Dak CC, 318, 4x2, 46RH, 3.92 rear, 235/75R15, PS, PW, PB, PL, AC.
> Mods: Trans-Go, APS Precision's 2400 stall, cool air induction, K&N oil &
air filter, Autolite 3924s, & re-located IAT.
> Future: 180* stat, MP PCM ( when Premium gas gets cheaper )
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