Re: K&N Oil filter "group buy"?

Date: Wed Jul 06 2005 - 16:23:43 EDT

Hey Jon, I can help you guys out--- $10.50 a filter, shipped in groups of 5+...


> From: Jon <>
> Date: 2005/07/06 Wed PM 12:00:05 EDT
> To:
> Subject: DML: K&N Oil filter "group buy"?
> A couple of years ago, when we were talking about oil filters,
> Ray posted a link to a site that sold them by the case for $8.16
> each, with free shipping:
> I noticed I was getting low on oil filters so I thought I might
> post to see if there was any interest in getting a bunch of us
> together to buy some oil filters and share in the savings. There
> are 2 bits of bad news though, when I went to the site Ray mentioned,
> they had increased the price to $8.97 per filter which isn't too
> bad, but unfortunately it looks like they have discontinuted the
> practice of free shipping on a case of oil filters. Now they want
> approximately six million dollars for standard ground shipping, which
> brings the oil filters up to about $11.30 each, not exactly a smoking
> deal considering you can walk into any Autozone and get them for
> $12.99. (Granted, you would have to pay tax at Autozone, so the
> savings would be around $2.70 or so per filter, but I figured we could
> do better.) Anyway, I decided to try checking some other places
> and after some Google (Froogle) searching, I found
> which sells K&N filters for $9.95 each, and if you buy more than $50
> worth of stuff, the shipping is free. So basically if we order 6 or
> more filters, we can get them for $9.95 each. Compared to the standard
> Autozone price, that's a savings of about $4 each. Plus, a bonus to
> ordering them from the site (or a similar one) is that
> since we don't have to order by the case, we can get all sorts of
> different applications, not just one case of the same filter. So
> if you've got any brand x vehicles that you want filters for, or
> anything different than the standard 3.9/5.2/5.9 filter, you can
> take advantage of this as well.
> Would anyone be interested in doing something like this? We
> can divvy them up at the BBQ. (If you can't make the BBQ, maybe
> another DMLer who lives close to you and who is planning to go to
> the BBQ would be willing to pick up your filter(s) for you.) I
> am also currently planning to go to the Mopar Nats so I could meet
> up with folks there.
> I'm not doing this to try to make any money or anything like
> that (I'll charge you whatever they cost me). Even if nobody
> else is interested, I'll probably still place an order just for
> myself - I've got enough vehicles that need filters to get to
> the $50 free shipping level fairly easily. :-) I just figured
> some other folks might be interested in getting in on the savings,
> since otherwise in order to get the same deal you'd need to order
> a bunch of filters that would probably rust before you could
> get around to using them. :-) Sure, its only $4, but every
> little bit helps! :-)
> Anyhoo, if anyone is interested in this, just let me know. (Also,
> if anyone knows of a place selling K&N filters cheaper than $9.95
> each, I'd be interested in that too!) :-)
> --
> -Jon-
> .-- Jon Steiger ---- or --.
> | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota |
> | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD |
> `------------------------------------ --'

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