Whatever !@#$%^&* stupid retarded peanutbutter-for-brains person decided
that it was a good idea to create and use 1/4 inch bleeder screws for
rear wheel cylinders..... I'd like to screw a zillion of the P's OS into
their skull and snap the heads off the bleeder screws, and leave the
threads in their skull!!!! Just like this bleeder screw did to my brand
NEW wheel cyl!
..... (deep breath)....
Its been a reaaaaly really bad week... sorry...
Anyone know off hand if I can replace this damned wheel cylinder with
another one that might have a larger diameter, stronger bleeder screw?
Its the 8 1/4 rear axle. According to my catalogues - it seems all the
Dakota's use the same rear wheel cyls. I could have sworn my old ones
had screws that were larger than 1/4 inch! Anyone out there willing to
take a peek under their rear axles and see if a 1/4 inch wrench fits on
the ends of their wheel cyls, for me?
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** COUNTDOWN TO 2005 DML BBQ *17* DAYS LEFT! ****** *Caution* Terrible Tom may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds. What pond? AIM & Yahoo: SilverEightynine - http://members.aol.com/silvereightynine/
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