Re: DML Gas Prices

From: Bob Tom (
Date: Tue Sep 06 2005 - 19:08:29 EDT

At 10:57 AM 9/6/05, you wrote:
>There was recently a poll about the oil companies operating
>within Canada, asking if they should be nationalized and run
>by the government. Over 50% of the respondents agreed
>that it would be a good idea. I'm sort of surprised that
>the number was actually that low as the prices on Can. gas
>right now are so damn high. In my area, it's $134.00 per liter,

Wow, $134.00 per liter! No wonder you're in favour of
nationalizing the oil companies :-P or is that a reflection
of your overall, political leanings ;-)

>It's also funny because the leader of the politically right party
>in Canada was on the news berating the party that is in power
>of the fed. gov't. right now for not lowering taxes during
>"this time of hardship for the Canadian citizens".

How would you "objectively" argue against his actual statement.
""There's no reason for the federal government to profiteer when consumers
are hurting. They could knock the GST off of the excise tax. They could knock
the GST off of gas above a certain price level."

The GST is a 7% tax applied upon a 10 cents excise tax on a litre
of gasoline, which the ruling party (different, ahem, leader though)
imposed in the mid-90s to help lower the growing deficits of the past two
decades by all ruling parties.

>He didn't say a damn word about how the oil companies
>are gouging us all though. Maybe that's because he's based
>out of Alberta where there are massive fields of oil resources
>and most of his campaign contributions come from oil companies.
>Jackass.... The Adam Blaster

He may be based out in Alberta but he and his family are
originally from Toronto, Ontario. He went to the University
of Calgary after from a Toronto high school to study economics
and his father/brothers are accountants, not millionaires
nor out of touch with the common citizen as most of our leaders
have tended to be.

With regards to your "campaign contribution" statement,
the ruling party brought in legislation in 2003 limiting
contributions to $5000 by corporations and individuals.
The head of the right, which you're trashing in Bush-like
fashion, has made public statements that the $5000 is
far too much for the majority of the common people and
advocates lowering contributions to a $1000 limit so that
the rich do not dominate politics. He has pledged to bring
in legislation to this effect if his party is elected to govern

Unless I'm mistaken about your party affiliation, the leader
of the party that you favour is advocating price control even
though it was tried in the '70s in this country and was an utter failure.

Political mode OFF :-D Racer mode ON =D>


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