I'd submit a picture this year. I had one in the 2004 calendar, but skipped 2005 since the truck looked the same. It looks pretty different now.
Somebody might have to remind me though, I forget things these days.
Hey, the new 2005 bodies should give some more variety.
Jay W
505/287 Dakota
Terrible Tom <"SilverEightynine@aol.com <mailto:SilverEightynine@aol.com?Subject=Re:%20Calendar%20for%202006?&In-Reply-To=<dic394$qbd$2@bent.twistedbits.net> > wrote:
: Are we going to do a calendar for 2006?
: Seems like we always have trouble getting enough interest for them.
I've been thinking about that very subject the last few days; I'll
be doing something and suddenly I'll remember the DML calendar and
realize that its getting late in the year. :-) Last year, we barely
got enough submissions to fill 12 months. Between that and my general
lack of time, the thought of skipping a year *had* occured to me.
But, if there is enough interest, I am certainly willing to crank
out a 2006 calendar. For July, instead of a pic of a truck, it might
be kind've cool to do some sort of collage based on a map of the state
of Colorado, given the whole national meet thing. :-) (And that would
mean we only need 11 submissions.) ;-)
-- -Jon-.-- Jon Steiger ---
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