Need Stock Radio - Again

From: A. S. (
Date: Wed Nov 09 2005 - 19:22:43 EST

  The radio stopped working in my dakota a while back. Another DML member
was kind enough to give me the radio out of his truck since he had replaced
it with an aftermarket unit. Well, that radio has since quit working as
well....I think it was on it's last leg when I got it since only 2 of the
presets actually worked. :) It played music for a little while and that's
all that really mattered.
  So, I'm asking again. Does anyone have a stock radio laying around they
want to get rid of? I'll be putting it in my 95 Dak, but I think a lot of
years will work. Shoot me an email off-list if you have one.

95 DSRC 4x4 V6

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