its the smaller caps i am talkin about. they are like 2" to 2.5" with a small ram logo
in them
i had lost many from the original wheels. when I got new caps from stealership they
were larger then original caps by about 0.020". they stay in better now. guess DC
figured out there was a problem with the original caps. ;-)
Dan K.
'92 Grey Dak CC, 318, 4x2, 46RH, 3.55 rear, 235/75R15, PS, PW, PB, PL, AC.
Mods: Cool air, K&N oil/air, 180* T-Stat, Autolite 3924s, re-located IAT, Trans-Go shift kit.
Future: Swap motor for a slightly modified Magnum 5.9L engine.
Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.
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