Re: Bad day, need opinions

From: Jason Bleazard (
Date: Sat Nov 26 2005 - 10:52:07 EST

> With No Fault Insurance In Ontario Jason? Why not submit it and let
> both insurance companys repair or write off the vehicles!

Well, I don't know what your experience has been with the automotive
insurance industry in this province. My experience has been
overwhelmingly negative. I would accuse them of being run by the mafia,
but I think the mafia would be more reasonable and understanding than
the treatment I've received. I'm afraid if I make another claim, I'm
going to get dropped and blacklisted (again).

> Questions? Was auto - Dak crash reported to Police.

Nope, neither of us felt it was serious enough to require a police presence.

> Insurance
> deductible, is it cheaper to repair it at home or out source it.

The deductible is $300. I'm sure a reputable body shop would charge a
lot more than that to do a professional job, and it would come out
looking a lot better than what I'll probably end up with. That's okay
with me.

> Do you
> own it or lease it ? as some shops will input into vehicle records.

It's mine, all mine!!! Bwahahaha!!!

Ahem, sorry. It's paid for and in my name.

> Buy a bumper and see Jon :-)

After sleeping on it, that's definitely "plan B". Plan A is to try
hammering it back in to shape and see what happens. Plan C is to
upgrade to a beefier off-road bumper. I need to look in to that option
to see how feasabile it is, though.

Jason Bleazard  Burlington, Ontario
his:  '95 Dakota Sport 4x4, 3.9 V6, 5spd, Reg. Cab, white
hers: '01 Dakota Sport 4x4, 4.7 V8, Auto, Quad Cab, black

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