RE: Merry Christmas

From: Rick Barnes (
Date: Sat Dec 24 2005 - 10:08:22 EST

Amen Bob, Amen...God Bless America


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of DAKSY
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 11:39 AM
To:; Dakota Mailing List
Subject: DML: Merry Christmas

Hey, All!
Susan & the girls & I wish everyone a safe & MERRY CHRISTMAS.(It does not
matter that the PC peeps in this country think of that statement, or what
they think I should say... what they think is none of MY business)...
Annyhoo, I hope that all of you listers that contribute to improving the
quality & enjoyment for our Dakotas & Sportsters get to spend time with
their friends & loved ones this weekend...
If traveling to celebrate, do so safely & make it back so we can keep the
info flowing....
Also, I'd like to thank our Armed Forces personnel for their service to this
country during this holiday season...I'm sure your family & friends wish you
were able to be home at this time...

Bob Smith ( AIM SN DAKSY2K)
05 883C "Yella Purl"
2K DAK SY Sport + V6 4X4 5Speed
Averill Park, NY

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