Re: 4.7L Longevity?

From: Michael Maskalans (
Date: Mon Jan 30 2006 - 11:22:47 EST

On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Mark Kuzia wrote:

> It looks like I am buying a 98 Dak, 318, 5spd that I found in WI. I will let
> you know when I get it.
Pardon my barging in, but are you crazy?

If I moved south, I'd NEVER buy a used ride from a salt state. My '98
Dakota has spent its winters in MN and NY (which is the worst possible as
far as salt, using a LOT of STRAIGHT salt) and I've got through-rust on my
driver's club cab rocker panel, nearly through on the bottom of the cab at
the back below the back wall under the floor boards, and behind both
headlights (nearly through on the left, badly through on the right due to
poor paint repair after a pre-me front crash). I wash it monthly at very
least during salt months.

Good luck...

  +-- Mike Maskalans ---------------- Rochester, NY ----------+
  | '98 Dakota CC, SAS on 40s  '84 RamCharger 4x4, plow truck |
  | '02 Jetta TDI 5sp, daily   '97 Intrepid, not on the road  |
  +-------------------- <> --+

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