Bonami on windshield?????

From: Michael (
Date: Thu Feb 16 2006 - 22:05:27 EST

My dad was a polishing expert for many years. His advice for treating large
scratches in windshields was that whatever you use to try to polish the
scratch, rub it back and forth along the length of the scratch. The idea is
not to get rid of the scratch because it would require removing an
impractical amount of material from the glass around the scratch in order to
grind it down to the level of the bottom of the scratch. The idea is to
smooth the sides and bottom of the scratch itself with polishing material so
that it is not so visible. It will still be there, just it won't be so
bright satiny white and noticeable after its insides are smoothed by the

Someone talked about using Bonami on the windshield, Can who that was
pass along how you do it so I can try it with out really screwing up my

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