RE: E85 fuel information..

From: Josh Battles (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2006 - 19:34:54 EST

On Thu, March 30, 2006 4:27 pm, Pindell, Tim wrote:
> It's a slow day, so I'll bite.


> I don't know that I'd >totally< blame the treehuggers. Certainly some.
> They don't own congress. Conservatives have been at the wheel for some
> time now and have not enacted legislation that would make exploitation
> of these resources a profitable endeavor. If they really wanted it...

True enough, but at least they're non-descriminating. IMO, all they see are
controversial issues that aren't going to get them reelected so they avoid

> According to my fellow librul commie wonks in the DOE, if we were to
> cease imports, we'd have about 3 years of our own oil at current usage.
> In 2005, we used 20,656,000 barrels per day. Although estimates vary,
> we have about 21,000,000,000 barrels in the ground in the U.S. Maybe a
> little more.
> I doubt that this amount of oil scares the pocketbook of any major
> producer.

Good enough, but I was referring to North America as a whole, not just the
United States. You support my argument wonderfully in the below statement,

> Just for grins, here's a list of our top importers. Interestingly, the
> top 2 are Canada and Mexico. They are followed by Saudi Arabia,
> Venezuela, and Nigeria. Iraq is 6th.
> evel_imports/current/import.html]

> Coal and natural gas, on the other hand, are cats of a different color.
> We've got plenty of that.

Indeed, and I'd like to see our coal use decline. Coal is a cheap source of
energy but its waste is very hazardous. The plants themselves emit more
radiation than a nuclear plant, and the ash is radioactive as well. What's
really sad is that they just dump it wherever they can because it's "safe."

> Personally, I'd like to explore nucular power as an alternative to coal.
> As soon as I wedge that old sub reactor in the bed of my Dak, I'll post
> pictures.

IMO, nuclear energy is the way to go in the future for the majority of our
energy needs. It's clean, safe, and relatively low polluting. There have
been some projects done about different types of reactors and the technology
is truly amazing. However, because of widespread misunderstanding and fear
these projects are cancelled.

We should get Brian Fitchett in on this conversation...

- Josh

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