On May 3, 2006, at 18:47, Jason Bleazard wrote:
> On Wed, May 3, 2006 12:57 am, Terrible Tom said:
>> Michael Maskalans wrote:
>>> no ideas for this. Trying to figure out where I can put one on my
>>> Jetta and not look terrible(ly geeky)
>> Geeky?? Hmm - well I've never considered having a CB antenna to be
>> geeky. I guess thats because I live in Wisconsin and the only people
>> you see with CB antennas out here are either semi truck drivers,
>> Hicks
>> with dual whips behind the cab on both sides of their
>> F-150/Silverado/ElCamino -- or psycho dudes living in the woods, who
>> havn't had a bath in 30 years with a CB radio spliced into their
>> Geo Metro.
> So which of those categories does Mike fall in to?
Well, the Jetta isn't an ElCamino, and I do bathe, so I don't fit =)
The crowd around here with more than an AM/FM antenna on their non-
pickups all have HAM call signs, and that's not my flavor of geek....
-- +-- Mike Maskalans ---------------- Rochester, NY ----------+ | '98 Dakota CC, SAS on 40s '84 RamCharger 4x4, plow truck | | '02 Jetta TDI 5sp, daily '97 Intrepid, not on the road | +-------------------- <http://mike.tepidcola.com/trucks/> --+. . .------------------------------------------------------------------. | Make your plans NOW to attend the National DML Meet in Colorado! | | Date: July 15-23, 2006 - More info: http://meet.dakota-truck.net | `------------------------------------------------------------------'
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