RE: was fuel tank, Now collar bone mending

From: Rick Barnes (
Date: Fri May 26 2006 - 12:26:57 EDT

I was run over by a 1954 Cadillac when I was 16 years old...I just remember
feeling something poking me in the left cheek, it was my
collarbone...needless to say, I had several other and bigger issues...left
leg broken in 7 places, left arm broken, etc...but the collarbone sure hurt


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Ray Irons
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: DML: was fuel tank, Now collar bone mending

I'll add my collar bone to the list. Broke my left one
in two places about 20 years ago going over the handle
bars of a motorcycle at 15 MPH in a parking lot.
Grabbed too much front brake, tire was on a the only
spot of gravel in the whole freaking lot, slid then
locked up and Whoops! there it is! The thing that hurt
worse then the break was the repair bill for the bike.
That and when my former shop chief slapped me on the
back on the same side as the broken bone cause he
didn't know.

Ray Irons
Quincy, CA

--- Rick Barnes <> wrote:

> Oh man, I have done a collar bone, hurrttsss...get
> well soon Bob
> Rascal

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