=20 OK, seriously, if you're planning on coming to the meet, I
strongly suggest= you read this stuff if you haven't already. I'm not
one for the scare tac= tics, there's nothing out there that's really
that dangerous, but there are= a few things worth keeping in mind.
Don't say we didn't warn you.
Medical info
Safety info
Driving tips
Vehicle maintenance
There are probably a zillion things we didn't bother to mention, use=
your heads because I don't feel like spending my vacation playing the
"eme= rgency medical evacuation" game. Basically just continue to be
the intelli= gent, thoughtful person you know you are and you'll be
Tha= t is all.
Posted by= Jason to National DML Meet at 7/04/2006 01:18:26 PM
| Make your plans NOW to attend the National DML Meet in Colorado! |
| Date: July 15-23, 2006 - More info: http://meet.dakota-truck.net |
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