The Adam Blaster Roadtrip plans...

From: Mr. Plow (
Date: Tue Jul 11 2006 - 11:47:58 EDT

(And Jackie too)

We will be leaving in the Almighty Sunfire from the Great White North on the
13th and heading due south.
Our plan is to stay in Billings MT the first night, then Fort Collins CO 2nd
night. Then hit the Denver Airport early-ish on the 15th, get the rental
Jeep and hopefully get to Lone Duck by early afternoon.

I'm wondering if there will be any problem getting a hotel room on Friday
night in Fort Collins though... Don't know how busy a city that is????

We've mostly got all the camping gear packed up already, we camped all last
week here in Alberta and so everything is still boxed up. I'm not sure if
it will all fit in the Sunfire though, i've got my one big blue camping box
that might have to get divided into 2 smaller boxes. We'll see...
The one sorta good thing about having to cross the border is that we can't
bring any meat or fruit, so we will be bringing almost zero food with us,
and just buy stuff near Lone Duck. So, the cooler will be empty and we'll
have almost no dry goods.

The Adam Blaster
Two words, figure it out.....

| Make your plans NOW to attend the National DML Meet in Colorado! |
| Date: July 15-23, 2006 - More info: |

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