--- DAKSY <rsmith13@nycap.rr.com> wrote:
> Hey, Rascal...
> <snip> Bikes? Are we talking bikes here?
> Excellent....may I add, as a
> retired
> bike mechanic...a LOUD bike is safer for you to ride
> on because people can
> hear you and they need to hear you as often they
> will not look your
> way<snip>
> Yea, Man! I agree. That's why I just put Cycle Shack
> Slip-ons on the Sporty!
And I just recently installed a Two Brothers Racing
slip-on on my Bandit 1200!
Ray Irons
Rocks may be for skipping, Tom is all about the mud,
I'm here for the twisties!
Some risk is necessary in life. Without risk, the new world wouldn't have been discovered, man wouldn't have landed on the moon and we wouldn't ride motorcycles.
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