> dose any body know if their is a kit or some one that has put power rack on a
> 93 dak. my whole front is worn out and mite be some thing diferent to try.
> Chris
Your truck does not have power steering? Or you are looking to do some
sort or upgrade? Need a little more info hehe
If your truck, for some reason, did not come with power steering, which
I would find a little odd - I was pretty sure that they came with power
steering standard... anyway it would not be too hard to add it. Get a
power steering pump, the bracket from a salvage yard, and a new rack and
pinion. Assuming its a 2wd...
But yeah - a few more details would help, engine, model, 2wd, 4wd, etc
-- ------------------------------------------------------------- Rocks are for skipping... I'm all about the mud 75 Honda CL360, 89 Dakota, 89 Dakota 4x4, 95 Dakota 4x4, 96 Neon, 01 Ram 4x4 AIM & Yahoo: SilverEightynine
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