Re: Pros/Cons: 17" Wheel/Tire

From: Terrible Tom (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2006 - 07:26:44 EDT wrote:

>That's why
>you can't determine wether the wheel is being pushed in or out
>by the backspacing number alone; you need to know how wide the
>rim is.

Methinks this system was designed by monkeys with protractors and
T-squares just to make the Common Dumb Man confuzed...

> Anyway, sorry for the nitpicking, it certainly isn't my
> intent to slap anybody down, :-) its just that wheel terminology
> can be pretty cryptic until you get a solid grasp of the concepts,
> and I know it took me a while to wrap my brain around it,
> especially when you hear all these terms bandied about with everybody
> seeming to use them in slightly different ways; it gets messy
> quick. :-) I just wanted to throw that info up there so as to
> steer anybody who might happen to stumble across this in the right
> direction. :-)

How DARE you nitpick on the DML! geeeeeeeze!! :D

No, seriously, thanks Jon. Funny thing you bring this up, because as I
was typing my last reply lastnight... I thought to myself if I was using
the terminology right. I was thinking Kyle was looking for a large
offset. As, what I now know to be an offset value, is what I was
referring to, as opposed to that dastardly backspacing stuff. I had to
go with a 3 or 3.5 inch offset (don't remember which one) to get the
mudders on Christine to clear stuff, and was warning Kyle against going
with a 4.5 inch offset.

Thanks for clearing that up :)

Rocks are for skipping... I'm all about the mud
75 Honda CL360, 89 Dakota, 89 Dakota 4x4,
95 Dakota 4x4, 96 Neon, 01 Ram 4x4
AIM & Yahoo: SilverEightynine

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