Chris Reck wrote:
> After Tom got this idea in my head, I have been contemplating hosting a
> Central Illinois DML meet sometime next year (either spring or fall). I
> don't have any 4x4 land or an expanse of tools to work on trucks. Would
> anyone be interested in attending such an event? I'll promise I'll have my
> ribs and salsa made.
Sounds like a plan to me man! We don't need trails and barns to have a
DML Good Time^(TM)! hehe
I would be hard pressed to give you a date I could make it... however
with the BBQ taking place mid July and Daktoberfest in late fall...
seems the best time might be early or mid june. Temps should be better
than if we did it earlier in the year.
Another thing I;ve always wanted to try and do, is a Chicago Auto Show
DML Meet. Anyone think we could pull it off? Feb. isn't far off ya
know. Best time I found to go is early in the first week.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------- "The word, is no. I am therefore going anyway." - James T. Kirk75 Honda CL360, 89 Dakota, 89 Dakota 4x4, 95 Dakota 4x4, 96 Neon, 01 Ram 4x4 AIM & Yahoo: SilverEightynine
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