droo <03dakotacc4.7_4x4@comcast.net> wrote:
: On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 00:34:39 -0500, Rick Barnes <rascal@scrtc.com> wrote:
:> Good points all...here is a trivia fact,...you could take every human on
:> earth and give them one acre of land and they could everyone live within
:> just the state of Texas, and Texas would still have room. Yeah, I didn't
:> believe it either till I looked it up. That was in one of P.J.
:> O'Rourke's
:> books.
:> Humans are insignificant to the size of our planet. Another fun
:> fact...99.9% of all life that ever lived on earth is extinct.
:> Extinction is
:> natural. Go figure.
: Well I guess if each human only needed 1 acre of land to live then that
: would mean something.
Actually, there are billions of people who live on *far* less
than one acre. Even in the relatively rural villages in my area,
if you have a 1 acre lot, that is something to brag about. With
100 feet of road frontage, that would give you a depth of about
435 feet, when most village lots in this area are closer to 50 or
60 feet wide by 100 feet deep (a tenth of an acre). Even when you
start getting out into the country, there are a ton of 1 acre
building lots. Move into the cities and start getting into
apartment buildings and high rises, and you will find hundreds of
people living on 1 acre of land.
So, going back to the Texas example posed earlier, I already
mentioned that its actually 1,000 square feet for each person as
opposed to 1 acre, and I mentioned that its only an illustration
to show the amount of land mass available in proportion to the
earth's population, as opposed to a viable city plan, but I think
its pretty obvious that with some cities as opposed to everybody
living on their own, it would be extremely easy to fit the entire
population of the earth into Texas in an actual, functioning way.
Even without large cities, the illustration said that each person
gets 1,000 square feet. Most people live in a family as opposed
to alone, so a family of 4 would actually have 4,000 square feet,
which would give them a lot of 50x80 feet, and there are millions
upon hundreds of millions of people who live on less land than that.
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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