And yet you persist with your uninformed and meaningless blather. I
made no political comments, I was merely attempting to inform a
non-illinois resident of our laws. It's not much different than telling
him that Illinois is 65 mph on the highway rather than 70. Maybe if you
actually read my entire post rather than stopping at the word "gun" and
getting your panties all in a bunch, we wouldn't be having this
discussion. You are the one that is letting your political ideology get
in the way of your common sense.
> i will look for a list that sticks to topic, political comments about
> gun laws has nothing to do with this list.
>> From: Barry Oliver <>
>> Subject: Re: i give up and unsubscribed
>> Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 00:08:43 -0600
>>> this list has no dakota tech, just stupid bs . i joined to improved
>>> my truck.
>>> i came back and gave the list another change and get insults from
>>> morons like you. i dont need it.
>> Just for the record, I never insulted you, you were the one playing
>> the part of the moron. I have little tolerance for people who cannot
>> read and as a result make uninformed accusations. However, since you
>> chose to use me as an excuse to run away with your tail between your
>> legs, I fully support your decision. Enjoy the warm feeling that
>> comes from having stood up for your ideals...
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