Re: Heater blower

From: Terrible Tom (
Date: Wed Jan 31 2007 - 21:25:26 EST

John Hower wrote:
> The heater blower in my '95 Dakota decided to surprise me today -- on
> one of the coldest days -- by operating only on the highest speed. I'm
> guessing it's the resistor that's gone south? Where is that resistor
> located?
> Someplace easily accessible, I hope.
> Thanks,
> John
> '95 Dakota 4x2 3.9

Blower motor resistor on those trucks is located on the passenger side
of the firewall in the engine compartment. A little rectangular plug,
that pushes over the resistor terminals. Don't call it dead just yet.
they are not protected from the elements, and the terminals tend to
corrode causing the fan speeds to cut out. however since you say you
lost all but high at once, it might be the resistor is fried. There are
two hex head sheet metal screws that hold it in place - remove the plug
carefully - might want a shot of WD-40 on there to help get it off easy.
  If its corroded its going to be a little cranky to remove.

Try cleaning up the contacts on the resistor. A little fine grit sand
paper or emery cloth works. Plug it back together and give it another try.

If not, needs to be replaced

Get a freaking rose tattoo and deal with it...
three busted-ass daks, a gas hog, and a rollerskate
AIM & Yahoo: SilverEightynine

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