Re: OT - Exhaust tubing

From: Terrible Tom (
Date: Sun Sep 09 2007 - 00:49:39 EDT

Michael Maskalans wrote:
> On Sep 8, 2007, at 22:51, Barry Oliver wrote:
>> Michael Maskalans wrote:
>>> On Sep 8, 2007, at 2:02 AM, Barry Oliver
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Michael Maskalans wrote:
>>>>> I just gave myself a couple unexpected expenses courtesy of New
>>>>> York's finest (AKA "the guys in purple ties" <http://
>>>>> 060909/060909_bucky_hmed4p.hmedium.jpg>)....
>>>> MIKE! did you cut your hair?
>>> Eh? You putting me in a purple tie or orange jumpsuit? Either way I
>>> think I'm being insulted... :-)
>>> Maybe it'll make sense in the morning.
>>> (nope, it didn't)
>>> Mike
>> You are as bad as Tom... Re-read your own post, it reads like you
>> were posting a pic of yourself earning those expenses...
> Okay, now I'm DEFINITELY insulted ;-)
> (sorry Tom)


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