Couple of questions about the shifter in my truck.
In 2001 I swapped out the stock shifter for a Hurst unit.
The shifter has been excellent up until yesterday when it went 'floppy'
on my. Instead of being a tight engagement into a gear, I can flop it
around a few inches to each side.
I think the dealer had the shifter out when replacing the the AC
evaporator. Or maybe they just un-bolted the lever to make room. Given
the fact that there's no real bushing on the Hurst, I'm at a loss to
figure out what might be wrong.
My other question relates to tranny noises. The shifter transmits a lot
on tranny noise into the cab, but it's really bad in 4th under load,
where it makes a sick sounding rattling. I'm wondering if this could be
low fluid in the tranny? When a local shop changed the clutch, the
tranny leaked for a couple of days until I got it back in for work, and
I always wondered if they topped up the leaked fluid.
I keep meaning to get under the truck and check, but other things keep
getting in the way.
Rob S.
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