Re: RE: Tranny Stalls Truck

From: Terrible Tom (
Date: Wed Oct 31 2007 - 11:17:17 EDT

Bernd D. Ratsch wrote:
> Stuck in lockup?
> - Bernd
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jamie Calder []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 11:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: DML: Tranny Stalls Truck
> My Friends '99 F-150 (it really isn't mine) stalls when put into gear
> (forward and reverse). Any ideas on where to start (besides an F-150 forum
> :) Could a faulty neutral safety switch cause this?
> Thanks,
> James

could be stuck in lockup, neutral safety switch prevents starting in any
other gear besides neutral or park in automatics and prevents the engine
from starting with out having the clutch in on sticks - it won't kill an
engine (at least it shouldnt) - could also be an idle air control motor
- ... how does the truck idle - how does it act when revved up in
park/neutral? Fords have parking interlocks - meaning you have to have
your foot on the brakes inorder to shift out of park (autos) so you
cant pull out of park without the brake down - try putting it in neutral
and starting the truck - then shifting into drive or reverse and see
what happens.

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