<> wow!<>
Yeah...over the hill...BUT, that's better than UNDER the hill!
<> Yeah - don't get anything so MAHTZOED, that ya can't fix it!
You have no idea how long I spent digging through the DML Archives
trying to find a post that you used that word in - so I could get teh
spelling right!! Far more time than any sane person would spend.<>
LOL...I did that the first time when I was looking for "DBDoMPfIWUMOT!"...
Now, I just keep the original e-mail with the title that Mr. Steiger laid on
ya in my "DAKS" folder...I cut the title out & then mark the post as
"unread" so I can find it!
<> Lowers should still be a good ole press out/in style ball joint on the
Gen III's. Pickle Fork to pop the stud loose - ball joint press (can be
rented at any autozone) to push em in and out.<>
RENTED?!??!? Huh...who'd a thunk it?
Ya mean I don't hafta add a tool to my vast selection of ones that I can't
<> Pretty straight forward Bob!<>
Looked that way in the FSM...If I ever get a day off, I'll attempt it.
-- Bob (DAKSY) Smith DAKSY2K on AIM 2K SY Dakota Sport + V-6 4 x 4 5 speed 2K05 HD 883C YP
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