"Pindell, Tim P" <TPindell@otterbein.edu> wrote:
>"Jon Steiger" <jon@dakota-truck.net> wrote:
>> "We" shouldn't do anything about them. It is not the
>> government's role to create jobs, its only roles are to
>> provide national defense, mete out justice according to
>> proscribed law, and enforce the contractual obligations of
>> its citizens. Anything not covered by the previous sentence
>> is an item that government should not be involved with in any
>> way. Government's "role", (if you want to call it that), in
>> regards to finding new jobs for displaced workers is merely
>> to stay out of the way and let the market work.
> Someone is in for a big disappointment. Keep tilting at those
> windmills, Jon. You still might be able to vote "Ron Paul".
I'm already dissapointed. The system is *already* broken. The
principles I referenced are how the government was originally designed
to work and how it *should* be working. I am under no illusion that
these fundamental principles are given even the slightest thought by
most in government today. I am optimistic that there are
opportunities to turn back the clock on many of the abuses of the past
230+ years and move closer to those ideals, but we are so far gone
that I fear a complete return would probably require another massive
catalyst such as a catastrophe and/or another War for Independence.
Its no surprise to me that your response was more of the same -
sarcasm and attemtped denigration rather than real content or ideas.
The fact that you would think I will someday be dissapointed to
discover that our government doesn't proscribe to its founding ideals
is illustrative of the regard you hold for my grasp of any of these
issues and confirms that I have been wasting my time with you. I
suppose I knew it all along, but my optimism for a person's desire to
search for the truth, or at the very least to remain open to the
possibility of other ideas tends to cloud my judgement sometimes.
There is a difference between ignorance and stubbornness; the former
can be corrected, but some people just refuse to be helped, and I'm
not going to lose any sleep over it. A life ruled by emotion rather
than logic and accompanied by denial, helplessness, depression and
simple festering hatred is your self imposed prison. I wouldn't wish
the world you live in upon anyone.
Fortunately, it hasn't been a complete waste of time. Some
interesting ideas have been posted here and I have earned a newfound
respect for certain DMLers by virtue of what has been posted. Plus,
who knows what impact it may have on someone merely reading the
discussion. Sometimes, just one question or a seed of doubt is all it
takes to open the floodgates of discovery. I can picture it now - a
DMLer in the year 2050 is going to be browsing through the archives
and he will think to himself, "Wow! Those guys had *way* too much time
on their hands!" :-)
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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