Re: Ohh,now iits Diggy Baby Eh?>??..1st Gens are Pudknockers!

From: Dustin Williams (
Date: Tue Feb 12 2008 - 23:52:23 EST

New idea.....a Dakota Triathlon. Drag races, truck pulls, and tuff trucks.

On Feb 12, 2008 8:50 PM, Dustin Williams <> wrote:
> > Yeah, but you have to make a WHOLE run. Doesn't count if something
> > blows up at the halfway mark.
> >
> >
> Unless you coast across the finish line. I saw one of my dad's friends
> race at Competition Hill at the Oregon Dunes, he was loosing but
> barely gaining on the other guy when their tires touched and exploded,
> both flew over the top of the dune, the guy who had been in the rear
> landed the furthest forward, thus winning the race (I think). In the
> end it doesn't matter how you got their as long as you followed the
> rules getting there.

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