2009 DML Calendar submission info

From: Jon (jon@dakota-truck.net)
Date: Fri Oct 17 2008 - 17:14:10 EDT

   Ok, I finally had some time to sit down and figure out a schedule
for the deadlines and such, so here comes the annual request for
submissions e-mail. :-)

   First, a summary for the impatient:

   Photo submission deadline: 11/22
               Voting begins: 11/23
                 Voting ends: 11/29
         Calendars available: 12/07

   Just a brief review for those folks who might be new or not
familiar with the DML Calendar: Each year, DMLers send pictures of
their vehicles to me, and I post them all on a web page, where DMLers
vote on their favorites. The top 12 are put into a wall calendar (1
for each month) and some basic info is printed on the picture as well
(DML member's name, location, and vehicle info.) I use CafePress to
print the calendars; I do not build any profit into them, I sell them
at cost, at the lowest price that CafePress allows to be set (about
$15). Anybody who wants a calendar can order them directly from the
CafePress site.

   If you would like to put your photo(s) in the running for the 2009
DML Calendar, now is the time to send them to me! If you have actual
photos you can mail them to me at:

  Jon Steiger
  836 King Rd.
  Forestville, NY 14062

  (Please include a SASE if you want your photos back.)

  Or, if you have digital photos, please e-mail them to me at:


   Please note that if the digital photos are low resolution or poor
quality, they might not be able to be used. Generally, anything with
a print size of around 11x8.5" or larger at 200dpi or higher will
work. If you are not sure, feel free to send them anyway, and I will
let you know if they are acceptable. Do not attempt to resample lower
quality pics to a larger size and/or resolution as this simply does
not work. :-) Most modern digital cameras are more than capable of
taking pictures which will be acceptable for the calendar, but
sometimes you need to play with the settings. If you are going to go
out and take some pics of your ride for the calendar, please set your
digital camera to have the largest photo size possible with the least
amount of compression. (Some cameras call this "superfine" mode.)

   While I am on the subject of quality, a quick note about digital
photos which are "developed"... It is now possible to take your
digital photos to Wal-Mart, etc. and they will turn them into photos
for you. However, these photos generally do not scan very well, so if
you have a digital photo, it would be better for you to e-mail it to
me rather than mailing me the physical photo which has been printed
from that digital file. Also note that a digital picture which looks
OK as a 4x6 photo will not necessary still look good when blown up to

    The deadline for submissions is Saturday November 22. Whether you
are sending via e-mail or snail mail, I need to have the photos in my
posession at that time. Voting will happen the following week, then I
will use the week after that to put everything together which will
hopefully mean the calendars will be ready to go by December 7 or so,
which should leave plenty of time to order for those folks who want to
receive them before xmas.

    If any of the above is not clear, or if you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me.



.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'

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