What do the plastic sleeves on the side pins look like?
- Bernd
-----Original Message-----
From: al klabunde [mailto:braindrain4u@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 10:03 AM
To: dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net
Subject: DML: Tailgate
My Dak tailgate doesent close properly and hasn't since I got the truck.
> It feels like a door that is only half latched most of the time. I
> have adjusted the pins and the locks, oiled the hell out of
> everything, cleaned everything, tride teflon, wax, light oil, heavy
> oil, grease and spooge to lube it up and nothing works... It is the way
it is.
Ditto with my 98. I have been going down the road and had the tailgate drop
open and thought I had hit something. A real half-assed system!
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