Not to go off on a tangent, but has anyone ever seen any "independent
testing" results that weren't bought and paid for by amsoil?
John Dunlap wrote:
> And yes, amsoil has a lotta hardware that you could even get @the Ford
> house but not any cheaper as Ford parts tend to be high. What you
> might wanna add is a remote dual filter unit.....amsoil claims that
> you can change out filters at reg intervals and just top off the
> synthetic oils and go & go & go.....check out their website on what
> they can do for Dodge Cummins
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Bernd D. Ratsch <> wrote:
>>If you're looking for the marketing hype...then yes, Amsoil is better than
>>anything else in this world. Real world though - not that different at all.
>>Check with Ford on the correct weight and certification and just use that in
>>a synthetic version.
>>- Bernd
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: []
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 5:42 PM
>>Subject: DML: amsoil rep here?
>>i'm looking for some info on using a synthetic oil in our 05 tru 08 ford
>>anyone know what amsoil product?
>>the extended mileage we can get between changs?
>>is amsiol better than mobil 1 ?
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