"Brian" <hskr@cox.net> wrote:
> Don't they limit the number of miles you can drive when insuring your
> vehicle as a "classic"??
Usually, yes. How much mileage you are "allowed" depends on the
company and also on the plan. Some companies have varying mileage
levels for different premium amounts. The company I use actually
allows the mileage to "roll over"; so if you have a 2,000 mile limit
and drove 1,000 miles last year, you could actually drive 3,000 this
year and still be under.
The mileage requirement is usually the sticker for most people,
especially if they actually use their vehicles in something of a
"daily driver" mode or if they take a lot of road trips. (Actually,
the insurance companies may be more lenient on the road trip thing,
they mostly don't want the cars being used as commuters.)
You're also required to have another vehicle licensed and insured
which has a regular policy on it to use as a daily driver. (With the
company I use anyway.) There are usually other requirements like it
must be stored in a locked building (except for when you take it to an
overnight event), etc.
Due to my general lack of time to enjoy my vehicles and my tendancy
to take relatively short trips when I do, I haven't come anywhere near
the mileage limits in my policy as of yet.
You definitely need to do your homework to understand the
restrictions and make sure that a classic policy is going to work for
you, as it will not fit everybody. However, if it does, it will save
a LOT of money and at the same time provide you with better coverage.
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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