Yes it is a plastic gear that runs an electronic sensor. Not the
strongest but I guess it works. On 4x4's it's on the top of the
drivers side of the output shaft as I recall, I'd imagine it's similar
on 2x4's just on the tranny. If you mess with it check out the sensors
in that area for damaged wires, they can do screwy things if they
short out.
On 5/8/09, Terrible Tom <> wrote:
> wrote:
>> Matt has a '95 I believe.
>> As I mentioned in another message posted just now, I think '92-93
>> used a cable and '94-96 electronic. (And electronic for '97+
>> obviously.) I would guess that means all GenIs are probably cable
>> driven.
>> Do GenIIs with electronic speedos still use a gear in the
>> trans/tcase such that it can be corrected by swapping out a gear,
>> or is it only the cable driven versions that use the speedo gear?
> I'm sure there is a gear in there - but my initial investigation lead me no
> where. I went to
> my Dodge Stealer when I had just recently bought the Ram, and was told by
> the parts guy pretty
> much to go jump... his exact remark was something along the lines of "you'll
> never be able to
> get in and out of the truck if you put those size tires on there" - when I
> told him what I
> wanted to do. I wanted to punch him but decided that wasn't the best
> option.
> Thats when I started looking for electronic options.
> This was the same dealer who fixed my busted fog light wire with a crimp
> butt splice and DUCT
> TAPE... and I discovered when it failed again after the warranty was up, and
> the same dealer
> who tried to rip me off when I was shopping for a Civic. (sorry - thats the
> end of the rant)
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Man is the only kind of varmint [who] sets his own trap, baits it, then
> steps in it"
> -John Steinbeck
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Sent from my mobile device
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