Battery disconnect

From: Azie L. Magnusson (
Date: Wed Jul 22 2009 - 11:35:51 EDT

David G. writes(in part): >> P1684 is "battery disconnected
within the last 50 starts". This seems to have been added to foil
people trying to pass a smog test by clearing the codes by pulling
the battery to reset the computer. It should clear itself after 50
starts. Except that the battery hasn't been disconnected.

P1594 is "system voltage too high". This could indicate a
problem with the alternator or voltage regulator. The voltage
regulator is part of the engine PCM, though, not a separate
item, so not easy to replace and find out if swapping it will
help. <<

If I'm not mistaken if there is a disconnect while the engine
is running the voltage reg. will cause a "spike" in the current,
so I would suspect that you have corroded connections either
@ the battery or the ground, and you got a temporary dis-
connect. Better check those cables for corrosion & crud
because I'm thinking it will happen again soon...

What one person receives without working for,
another person must work for without receiving.


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