Michael Maskalans <dml@tepidcola.com> wrote:
> On Aug 11, 2009, at 13:12 , jon@dakota-truck.net wrote:
>> FYI, if anybody is interested in stories and info, the local
>> newspaper has them on their web site at observertoday.com. I don't
>> know if there are more photos than the single photo posted with each
>> story or not. The print edition had more photos, but I couldn't find
>> them online.
> there are two pages with 6 more photos each, that was all I could find.
> http://observertoday.com/page/content.detail/id/527600.html?nav=5047
> http://observertoday.com/page/content.detail/id/527601.html?nav=5047
> Nasty stuff.
Cool, thanks, Mike! That last one of the brick building with the
damaged doors and flag out front is the Silver Creek fire department
and police station. About 5 feet of water came blasting through
there. Fortunately all of their trucks were out on a call when it
happened, but basically any loose equipment they had in there got
flushed out into the river. The police department had two crown
vics and a dodge charger carried out of the parking lot.
I actually drove through Silver Creek that night, about 3am or so,
this was after the flooding had basically subsided (although all of
the manhole covers in town had water bubbling out of them like
fountains), and as I drove by the high school, I noticed all of the
fire trucks parked in the parking lot - at the time, I wondered what
they were doing there. :-) As I drove over one of the bridges in
town, I was surprised that there was a few inches of water coming over
the top. Little did I realize that the water had been a few feet
higher just a couple of hours ago! (That bridge is actually for the
same creek that took out the mobile home park, and its the creek that
runs behind DML HQ.)
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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