You go Rascal!
Glad to hear from you once again...
I admit, you had me worried for a bit.
Keep your spirits up & fingers crossed.
You can beat this thing.
Bob (DAKSY) Smith
2K SY Dakota Sport +
V-6 4 x 4 5 speed
2K08 HD Softail CrossBones
Satin Black (Not Yellow)
Averill Park, NY
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Lane" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Thanks to my Friends on the DML
> update!
>> Hi to all on my fav DML people.
> I have gone from being told a few weeks ago, that I should get my
> affairs in order, to a new possibility of beating this thing, quite a
> difference. Two doctors told me that my situation was hopeless, but
> another came along and sent me to a couple of specialists with hope.
>> It seems that I have a tumor growing INSIDE my spinal cord near my brain
>> stem. This is NOT a good thing. I was suffering some severe pain and
>> onset paralysis a few months ago and it looked as if I might be diagnosed
>> with Gehrig's or MS, but the symptoms would disappear for a while. Then,
>> the symptons did NOT disappear and the pain became unimaginable. My
>> spinal cord was choking itself off inside my backbone, ouch, that hurts!
>> So, as it is, I am heading to the Mayo Clinic on Sept 29th for another
>> neck exam. On the 30th, one of the best surgeons in all the world will
>> examine me and do surgery if everything looks good from there. Now, do
>> you THINK I would have a chance at this if we had nationalized health
>> care??? and yes, I buy my own health insurance.
>> In the meantime, I am on some intense pain and steroid drugs. This is a
>> cancer that usually metathesizes throughout the body and goes here near
>> the end. I have no other cancers, only this one place. This odd example
>> is what attracts attention and has been a blessing for me because it is
>> so unusual. So, with luck, love, and the touch of the The Great Dakota
>> maker in the sky, I will have this surgery, inside my spinal cord,
>> (dangerous as one can imagine), and be on my merry way for another fun 50
>> years or so. I have had the tumor a long time and it has grown very
>> slowly, but it is found and it shall be attacked!
>> Right now, I can type, relax, watch football, but no
>> driving.....ughhhhh...sure miss that one...damn....but I am going to pull
>> through. So many people sent so many inspiring and fun emails to me I can
>> never thank all of you enough. You are all so neat and a fun group to
>> hang with, even if its just online.
>> Updates as I get them,
>> God Bless America and God Bless all of YOU,
>> Rascal
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