Re: RE: Mileage with MP PCM

From: Brian (
Date: Wed Oct 14 2009 - 18:44:00 EDT

Also Think about running 89 octane instead of 91 or 92. You will get
better performance and better mileage with the 89.

Brian Cropp

Matt Beazer wrote:
> I guess I should explain - I've been making this same trip every day
> to work since April and I never got below 12, usually in the
> 12.5-13mpg range. Most people said that the MP PCM would improve
> mileage, mine went down by 2-2.5mpg, that's like 15%+. I expected it
> to be about the same or +1mpg. But as another individual said, it's
> still learning. It takes me a month to burn through a tank of gas so
> that isn't helping either.
> I think I need to take it out for a longer drive at higher speeds than
> a max of 35mph to get the PCM "tuned in" properly. I'm also
> considering replacing my O2 sensor as the one in there I'm sure is the
> original with 137k on it.
> That and spending a couple hours yanking out fence posts on this tank
> probably didn't help either... doh. Funny how your wallet taking a
> hit makes you lose all sense of logic. ;)
> Thanks,
> MattB
> (Still having sticker shock after driving a Neon for 6 years)
> Ray Block wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Matt Beazer
>>> Wow, I hope I didn't fill the tank all the way up last time I filled up
>>> and reset the trip odometer out of habit... because 182.5 miles on 18.8
>>> gallons of fuel really sucks for fuel economy with this MP PCM, even if
>>> my speedometer does read 4mph high at 30mph (8.82% off).
>>> If I take into account the speedometer being off...
>> Perhaps you're not aware that different speedometer gears are
>> available to
>> correct for non-stock tire diameters?
>>> ....that still means I really only went
>>> 198.6 miles, which is only 10.56mpg (admittedly all short trips, less
>>> than 3 miles per cold start).
>> Help me understand this, Matt. You drive "less than 3 miles per cold
>> start" and you are blaming an MP PCM for crappy mileage????????????
>> Do you
>> really need an explanation?????
>> FWIW, my Dak's gas mileage improved when I installed the MP PCM.
>> However,
>> I do drive it far enough at a time to get the engine warm and off the
>> "cold
>> enrichment" from the PCM. :)
>> Ray

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