Re: Simple kill switch

Date: Sat Oct 31 2009 - 17:06:03 EDT

Matt Beazer <> wrote:

> Is there a quick easy way to disable the ignition with a little hidden
> switch on a 2nd gen Dakota?

   Assuming that you want a switch in the cab instead of popping the
hood all the time and removing or loosening your coil wire, right off
the top of my head, the most obvious might be to splice a switch or a
relay controlled by a switch into one of the trigger wires for your
coil. If you look at the passenger side front of the engine, you will
find your coil mounted there. There is a two wire plug on the bottom.
Disconnecting one of those wires will prevent the coil from firing, so
that seems like a logical place to splice in a relay or a switch.

   Bear in mind that any time you go cutting and splicing wires, you
introduce the possibility of corrosion, etc. so if you do that, make
sure to do it right with nice weather tight connections. Having had a
loose coil plug on my '96, I know how annoying it can be to have the
truck quit for "no reason" and refuse to start. :-)


.- Jon Steiger -- or -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- --'

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