Oil gremlin

From: Orr, Christopher J (cjorr@boatorr.net)
Date: Thu May 13 2010 - 09:02:17 EDT

Hi all-

Got a 2000 R/T with 76,000 miles on it. I've had it since 38,000 and
have put synthetic oil in ever since.
I haven't been driving it much, so I change the oil every 6
months...which is never 5000 miles.

Recently, I've noticed that the dipstick has been dry. There's no oil
spots on the garage floor. As far as I can tell it doesn't burn it...no
blue smoke...no burning oil smell.

I change the oil myself, so I know there used to be oil in it....I'm not
crazy. I swear.

Where the heck could it be going?


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