Chris Reck writes: >> I'm now fairly certain that it is the caliper.
The brake rotor did look like it was hurt pretty bad (imaging
flamethrower on metal). Question is, should I replace the soft
line to that side and/or the wheel bearing due to the heat? <<
I'd say neither. The culprit is most likely the piston in the
caliper is stuck. If it happens to be factory and the phoenelic
material that they used back in the late 70's and early 80's,
then I'd bet my lunch on that being the case. You can either
replace the piston with a metal one and install new seal, or
replace the whole caliper.. It might not hurt to replace the
flex line, but I'd test the flow prior to replacing it. To test the
flow remove the line from the caliper and have someone
mash the brake pedal.. If you get a "GUSH" of brake fluid
then the line is open..(you will have to bleed the brakes after
either of the above)..
Good luck!! Keep us posted..
Enjoy Life - It has an Expiration date!!
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