rear right shock upper bolt

Date: Sun Jun 27 2010 - 15:24:46 EDT

I'm trying to remove the rear right shock on my 2003 Oak, and am
wondering if anybody has had the same problem I'm having: on the upper
bolt there's a clip on the frame to hold the outer nut in place while
the inner nut is loosened. It's a pain to get at the inner nut, with
the exhaust and heat shield in the way, but as I'm making progress on
it, wham!, the fame-clip bends just a bit and under pressure and
allows the outer nut to slide around it. So how can I hold the outer
bolt in place? I'm thinking if I can find a box wrench to fit around
the outer bolt (I don't have one; it looks like 18mm will work) I can
wedge the wrench against the frame support holding up the bed, and
then continue loosening the inner nut. Anybody else experience this or
have other ideas to secure the outer bolt?

Thanks for any help.


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