RE: Optima Batteries

Date: Mon Aug 16 2010 - 21:48:33 EDT

Note that Sears sells an Optima-style construction battery (AGM) at
their auto centers, but it looks more traditional that the Optima and
the warranty is longer. According to the Sears guy they're a slightly
better design than the Optimas, but considering he was selling them I
take that worth a grain of salt, but from what I've read on the 'net
this does seem to be the case as they're re-labeled Odyssey batteries:

It does work great in my friend's 2k Dakota. He bought it mostly
because the cold cranking amps were a lot higher than the normal
batteries. It was $192 after tax, so I think they're cheaper than the
Optima as well.

Stay away from Walmart batteries though... I've seen more of those fail
in weird ways than any other battery. Hell, I had one physically snap
off a terminal once and spill battery acid all over the place. Not


  -------- Original Message --------
 Subject: DML: Optima Batteries
 From: ffastje <>
 Date: Mon, August 16, 2010 3:05 pm
 To: DML <>
 I'm looking to get an optima battery could anyone recommend the right
 one for a 1999 Dodge Dakota 3.9 v6.TIA
 Francis Fastje
 1999 dakota 3.9 4X4
 67000 miles

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