RE: RE: A/C condensation

From: Brian (
Date: Tue Dec 14 2010 - 09:36:01 EST

And if you have the windows down, then why do you have the A/C or defrost


brian cropp


[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 11:24 PM
To: dakota-truck
Subject: RE: DML: RE: A/C condensation



Yes the drain is passenger side low on the firewall.

However, if you run the AC/defrost with the windows open you will fill the
passenger footwell with condensate whether the drain is plugged or not.
Since the geniouses at Dodge saw fit to put the evaporator inside the cab
rather than in the engine compartment, means that if the windows are down
the outside of the evap housing gets cold enough to condense water on the
outside, i.e. the passenger compartment......


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