Michael Maskalans <dml@tepidcola.com> wrote:
> On 9-Feb, 2011, at 16:11 , jon@dakota-truck.net wrote:
>> I'm pretty sure though that the
>> 42RE/42RH was for the V6 and 46RE/46RH for the V8. They came from the
>> A904 and A727 transmissions, respectively. The 44RE must be a "tween"
>> transmission. :-) I'm guessing there was never a 44RH if it was not
>> introduced until the Gen3 era when all the transmissions were
>> electronically shifted.
> they're still really not "electronically shifted" until the [5]45RFE but that's semantics...
Oops, you are right - "electronically governed", perhaps? :-)
> the 44 is in the same case as the 42, the 46 has some external differences.
Cool, must be they beefed up some of the internals then.
-- Jon Steiger Steiger Performancejon@steigerperformance.com http://www.steigerperformance.com
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