RE: Intake Bolt Set

From: Brian Cropp (
Date: Thu Apr 14 2011 - 20:09:54 EDT

Yes, same size bolts. As for using new bolts everytime. All depends on the
condition of the bolts coming out. There is no requirement to use new bolts
as they are not torque to yield like the head bolts. But unless they have
been changed before usually the front bolts look a little nasty and for the
price of new bolts doesn't hurt to change them. Personally, I bought a
stainless steel bolt kit for my truck so always re-use the stainless steel
intake bolts.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jamie C
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 4:41 PM
Subject: DML: Intake Bolt Set

Does the M1 intake use the same size bolts as the stock intake?
Should new bolts always be used when installing the intake?

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