2000 Club Cab 4X4 Linkage Issue

From: tkoth (tkoth@cox.net)
Date: Wed Apr 20 2011 - 22:51:38 EDT

Hello great DML! I haven't posted for a couple years but I still read all
the great info here in digest mode.

My 2K CC 4x4 lost the transfer case shift linkage this weekend. (It's the
shift on the fly version) It fell off way off road. Luckily it's in 2WD so I
can drive it no problem.

The issue I have is when I went to the dealership for the parts it seems the
guys aren't sure what the heck to order me. So far I got 2 poly or rubber
bushings (for $14.50 EACH!!) and they ordered the missing "rod". When I went
to get that today it was a flat peice of steel with a bushing already in it
on one end, the other end is slotted and the not the size of the bushing I
With no other connecting hardware. Sooo....I talk to the guy and he's
ordering up everything else he can see that's between the shifter linkage
and the lever on the transfer case.

Does anyone have an FSM with a diagram or can snap a quick photo of their
linkage configuration on their truck so I know what the heck it's supposed
to look like? I'm kindof at a loss and google searches have turned up

Thanks for any help anyone can provide!!!

Tim in Phoenix AZ.

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