Re: Water pump replacement

From: David Gersic (
Date: Sat Apr 07 2012 - 22:37:44 EDT

On Saturday, April 07, 2012 12:33:48 AM you wrote:
> Strap wrench if need be, but I've never had to use it.... leave the
> belt on, put your wrench on, give it a good smack with a 3lb sledge,

Neither belt nor strap wrench worked. Belt might have, except that I think the
coolent it got drenched in was letting it slip. Strap wrench I couldn't get
tight. I ended up making my own version of "Special Tool 6958 Spanner
Wrench" from some 1/2" strap iron stock and a couple of 1/4-20 stove bolts.
That worked nicely.

Next up, I need the "coolent return tube" as it was rusted to the point that
it wouldn't pull out of the water pump housing. I kinda crushed it by the time
I got it loose. So now I'm waiting for Monday when the parts shop is supposed
to have one for me.

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