Yes almighty overlord of the Dakota universe!
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:05 PM, <> wrote:
> This file is automatically posted monthly to the Dakota
> Mailing List, and is also available in an HTML version at:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For information about list commands, send an e-mail message to
>, and put "info dakota-truck" (no quotes) in the
> body. Or, you can use the WWW gateway on the DML Home Page.
> (
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rules, suggestions, and guidelines for posting to the Dakota Mailing List
> This document contains some rules, suggestions, and guidelines for
> messages which are posted to the Dakota Mailing List. In general, these
> are suggestions and guidelines, more than hard and fast rules. It would be
> cool if everyone followed these suggestions all the time, but there is
> certainly room for deviation. (I'll be the first to admit that I've
> strayed from these from time to time.) :-) Well, here they are:
> Replying To Messages:
> When replying to a message, please incude only the relavent portions
> of the original message. For example, a post might bring up four or five
> seperate points. If you're only going to address one of those points,
> instead of quoting the entire original message, only include the portion
> of the message which contains the point you're responding to. This will
> greatly decrease bandwidth useage and it will make posts to the list
> much easier to read. However, if a little snipping is good, more
> snipping is not necessarily better. Be careful not to snip *too* much!
> Leave enough of the original message so that the reader can tell what is
> going on.
> When replying to seperate parts of a message, it is a good idea to
> insert your replies in with the original message, rather than responding
> to all the points at the end of the message in a big block. For
> example:
> Original message: Your reply:
> Point 1 Original poster wrote:
> Point 2 >Point 1
> Point 3 Your response to point 1
> >Point 2
> Your response to point 2
> >Point 3
> Your response to point 3
> Now, if someone wants to respond to your points, they just insert them
> at the appropriate location. Be sure to leave some space between the
> original message and your replies, to make it easier to tell the two apart.
> Binary Attachments:
> These are not good. Please don't attach files to your posts. If
> you've got something (ex: a picture, sound, etc) that you'd like
> people to be able to see, you can either post it on your own WWW page and
> give people the URL, or (if applicable), you can send it to me (via e-mail)
> for incusion on the DML Home Page. My address is
> NOTE: You might be sending binary attachments to the list without
> even knowing it!! Some mailers (most of which are made by Microsoft) include
> extra formatting information as an attachment which is incomprehensible by
> standard e-mail clients. It shows up as gobbelty-gook for most people. One
> such attachment is called TNEF. Another type puts a copy of the message at
> the end, formatted completely in HTML. There may be others. You should go
> through the options or preferences of your mailer and turn these things off!
> Speaking of gobbelty-gook... Please make sure that your e-mail client
> is set to send out your messages as ASCII or "plain text" format. (As
> opposed to HTML, "rich text", "styled text", etc.) Anything but plain
> text will show up as gobbelty-gook for a lot of people. (Including all
> of the people on the digest version, which is about half of the members
> on the list...) (Actually, the list filters are pretty decent, and if
> you send a message to the DML which isn't plain text, it will probably
> get bounced back at you.) Note that if you use AOL 6.0, you don't have
> much choice; HTML attachments are forced into every message you send.
> If you have AOL 6.0, you should send your posts to the list to
> That will run them through a program that will
> strip out the HTML junk before sending it off to the list.
> Threads And Topics:
> (Definition: A thread is a series of posts under the same subject.)
> Oftentimes, a thread will mutate into something very different than what
> the original post was about. If this happens, please change the subject of
> the post (to reflect the new topic of discussion) when you reply. An
> accepted method of doing this is to put the new subject at the beginning of
> the subject, then the keyword "Was:", followed by the original subject.
> For example:
> Old thread: Subject: K&N Filtercharger
> New thread: Subject: Doug Thorley headers Was: K&N Filtercharger
> This way, the subject gets changed to reflect the content of the post,
> but people who were following the original thread will notice the change
> and can follow the new thread, if they wish.
> Sometimes, a thread will mutate into something not related to Dakotas
> at all. If this happens, please direct your response directly to the
> interested parties (as opposed to the entire list). (By default, your
> responses are sent to the list. You will have to determine who sent
> the message, and cut and paste their e-mail address into the "To:" field.)
> Another alternative is to use the DML Off Topic list. (See Below)
> When posting, it is helpful to choose a good name for your post.
> Try to pick a name that will give people some idea of the content of
> your post.
> While I'm on the subject of subject names, be careful about putting
> words that are used in administrative commands in your subject. (i.e.
> subscribe, unsubscribe, help, etc.) If you do, the list might think that
> you're trying to send an administrative command to the list (instead of
> and it will bounce your message to me for approval.
> When I get your message, I can approve it and send if off to the list, but
> it'll obviously take longer for your message to go through.
> Flames, Bickering, And Other Such Nonsense:
> Three words: DON'T DO IT! More words: If you feel the need to get
> into a fightin' match with another DMLer, please do so via private e-mail.
> There are about a thousand other DMLers who could care less about your
> particular squabble. Plus, posts from the DML are archived for all eternity
> and viewable by hundreds of millions of web surfers. The DML as a whole
> has traditionally been quite good in this regard, but as our numbers grow,
> naturally, the intimate nature of the list can start to deteriorate
> somewhat. I don't think it necessarily HAS to be this way though, and
> I'd really prefer if non-constructive posts of this nature were not spewed
> across the list. Like I mentioned before, I'm not preventing you from
> continuing your squabble, just please do it via private e-mail. I don't
> like having to police the list, but I'm not going to let a vocal minority
> screw up the list for everyone else, so if I have to resort to warnings
> and bans, I will. How do you know if a thread is getting out of control?
> Just think real hard before you send something out. Is your post a rational
> one, based on facts, or is it full of personal attacks? Even if it is
> rational, if we've heard it a million times before and all its doing is to
> further a pointless argument, why post it again? A REALLY good clue is if
> you notice other DMLers replying to the posts with messages along the lines
> of "please take this off list", or "stop this", its best to comply and take
> it to private e-mail. Thanks! :-)
> The DML Off Topic list:
> The DML Off Topic list was created by Mike Clark ( for
> off topic posts. Basically this is a bunch of DMLers talking about
> non-Dakota topics. On the DML Off Topic list, you can talk about whatever
> you want! We DMLers have established quite a close-knit community, and
> its really nice to be able to talk about other things with the people
> we have come to know so well. Here is the info if you'd like to subscribe:
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> To unsubscribe, send a message to:
> To send a message to the list, mail it to:
> Or, you can subscribe, read the archives, etc. via the DML Off Topic
> home page at or the normal
> DML WWW Gateway.
> If you have any questions, comments, corrections, etc., feel free to mail
> me at Thanks!!
> -Jon-
-- Gary Hedlin Show Car Signs by Hedlin Designs talk about those who died, but too few talk about those who survived... THANK A VET!
This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Sat Jun 09 2012 - 18:03:11 EDT